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Sil Austin

Sil Austin
Sil Austin (Sylvester Austin, Sil Auston, Syl Austin, Sil Austin And His Orchestra, Sil Austin And The All Stars)
Jazz  /  R&B/Soul
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Sentimental Sax - Sil Austin (Sylvester Austin, Sil Auston, Syl Austin, Sil Austin And His Orchestra, Sil Austin And The All Stars) 1992 Sentimental Sax 14 00:40:00 320 91.74 Mb 2.28€
Sil Austin Plays Pretty For The People Again - Sil Austin (Sylvester Austin, Sil Auston, Syl Austin, Sil Austin And His Orchestra, Sil Austin And The All Stars) 1967 Sil Austin Plays Pretty For The People Again 11 00:35:51
Sil Austin Plays Pretty For The People (1987 Reissue) - Sil Austin (Sylvester Austin, Sil Auston, Syl Austin, Sil Austin And His Orchestra, Sil Austin And The All Stars) 1967 Sil Austin Plays Pretty For The People (1987 Reissue) 10 00:28:32
Sil Austin With Strings And Choir Plays Folk Songs - Sil Austin (Sylvester Austin, Sil Auston, Syl Austin, Sil Austin And His Orchestra, Sil Austin And The All Stars) 1963 Sil Austin With Strings And Choir Plays Folk Songs 12 00:32:51
Battle Royal (Feat.) - Sil Austin (Sylvester Austin, Sil Auston, Syl Austin, Sil Austin And His Orchestra, Sil Austin And The All Stars) 1959 Battle Royal (Feat.)
[Featuring Red Prysock ]
3 00:23:31
Everything's Shakin' - Sil Austin (Sylvester Austin, Sil Auston, Syl Austin, Sil Austin And His Orchestra, Sil Austin And The All Stars) 1958 Everything's Shakin' 10 00:26:45
Slow Walk Rock - Sil Austin (Sylvester Austin, Sil Auston, Syl Austin, Sil Austin And His Orchestra, Sil Austin And The All Stars) 1956 Slow Walk Rock 12 00:32:08
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