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Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex-"Flake Music")
Rock  /  Pop
Discography  (total 14 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Live Albums | Bootlegs
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Live from The Lot (Live EP) - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2012 Live from The Lot (Live EP) 5 00:20:16
Simple Song - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2012 Simple Song 1 00:04:15
No Way Down / Fall of '82 - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2012 No Way Down / Fall of '82 2 00:07:52
Australia (EP) - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2007 Australia (EP) 6 00:21:05
Phantom Limb - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2006 Phantom Limb 3 00:11:30
Fighting in a Sack (EP) - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2004 Fighting in a Sack (EP) 3 00:08:58
So Says I (EP) - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2003 So Says I (EP) 3 00:10:24
Such Great Heights - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2003 Such Great Heights 1 00:03:01
Know Your Onion! (EP) - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 2002 Know Your Onion! (EP) 4 00:13:20
When I Goose-Step (Vinyl 7 2000 When I Goose-Step (Vinyl 7" Single) 2 00:04:13
Nature Bears a Vacuum (EP) - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 1998 Nature Bears a Vacuum (EP) 4 00:08:34
Flake Music (EP) - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 1996 Flake Music (EP) 3 00:09:14
Flake Music (7 1995 Flake Music (7" Single Split)
[Split with Scared of Chaka ]
2 00:05:43
Flake Music: Spork (EP) - Shins (The Shins / James Mercer / ex- 1995 Flake Music: Spork (EP) 6 00:24:06
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