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Script (The Script)
Alternative  /  Pop  /  Rock  /  Dance
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Satellites - Script (The Script) 2024 Satellites 12 00:35:44
Sunsets & Full Moons - Script (The Script) 2019 Sunsets & Full Moons 9 00:30:20
Freedom Child - Script (The Script) 2017 Freedom Child 14 00:48:57
No Sound Without Silence (Japan Special Edition) - Script (The Script) 2015 No Sound Without Silence (Japan Special Edition) 18 01:18:13
No Sound Without Silence - Script (The Script) 2014 No Sound Without Silence 11 00:43:49
#3 (DeLuxe Edition: CD 1) - Script (The Script) 2012 #3 (DeLuxe Edition: CD 1) 10 00:39:31
#3 (DeLuxe Edition: CD 2) - Script (The Script) 2012 #3 (DeLuxe Edition: CD 2) 7 00:32:45
Science And Faith - Script (The Script) 2010 Science And Faith 10 00:42:07
Science & Faith (Special Edition) - Script (The Script) 2010 Science & Faith (Special Edition) 12 00:49:09 320 113.46 Mb 2.13€
The Script - Script (The Script) 2008 The Script 11 00:44:01 320 109.55 Mb 1.98€
The Script (Instrumentals) - Script (The Script) 2008 The Script (Instrumentals) 10 00:38:44 320 88.88 Mb 1.74€
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The band was formed by Danny O'Donoghue (Lead-vocals and keyboards) and Mark Sheehan (guitar and vocals), who had previously was members the Mytown band.
Mytown's debut album was failing, and after that Danny and Mark moved to the USA, where they were engaged in producer activities.
A few years later, deciding to create a new band, returned to their homeland, In Dublin, where the drummer Glen Power was joined in 2004. They began working together in 2005 and called The Script band.
In 2007, a contract with Phonogenic label was signed. Their debut single "We Cry", which came out only in 2008, had a rotation for all the most popular radio stations in the UK, bringing a band of long-awaited fame. And the next single "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" was even more successful, taking the #2-3 places in the British and Irish charts, thereby letting the band loudly declare themselves as a very promising newcomers in the British pop rock scene.
In 2008, their debut album "The Script" came out, which immediately took the #1 in the ranking of the best-selling albums of Great Britain and Ireland.
In 2010, the band announced the release of the second studio album, "Science & Faith".
At the end of 2011, after pervious album's succes, The Script has begun to compose the album #3. The album was released in 2012, after the release of the single "Hall of Fame". The single has reached the #1 in the official chart of Great Britain, having kept on top of two weeks.
Their music was used in video games and popular television series such as Ghost Whisperer, Waterloo Road, EastEnders, Made in Chelsea and The Vampire Diaries.

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