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Scope of the Paradox

Scope of the Paradox
Scope of the Paradox (Glorificated Genocide / Sanctuary of Blood / Blutheiligtum / Frevelhaft V'orhyathre)
Discography  (total 5 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Forbidden Citadel of Shadows (Walking Through an Atmosphere of Death) (Split) - Scope of the Paradox (Glorificated Genocide / Sanctuary of Blood / Blutheiligtum / Frevelhaft V'orhyathre) 2022 Forbidden Citadel of Shadows (Walking Through an Atmosphere of Death) (Split)
[Split with Regio Satanas ]
9 00:39:40 320 90.99 Mb 1.62€
Grim Visions of a Forgotten Past - Scope of the Paradox (Glorificated Genocide / Sanctuary of Blood / Blutheiligtum / Frevelhaft V'orhyathre) 2021 Grim Visions of a Forgotten Past 7 00:30:43 320 70.49 Mb 1.26€
The Mournful Soul of Melancholy Howls - Scope of the Paradox (Glorificated Genocide / Sanctuary of Blood / Blutheiligtum / Frevelhaft V'orhyathre) 2020 The Mournful Soul of Melancholy Howls 11 00:32:02 320 73.58 Mb 1.8€
Ferocious Arrogant Empire (demo) - Scope of the Paradox (Glorificated Genocide / Sanctuary of Blood / Blutheiligtum / Frevelhaft V'orhyathre) 2019 Ferocious Arrogant Empire (demo) 6 00:18:49 320 43.17 Mb 1€
Pure Tyranny of Rawness (A Compendium of LoFi Raw Black Metal) (Split) - Scope of the Paradox (Glorificated Genocide / Sanctuary of Blood / Blutheiligtum / Frevelhaft V'orhyathre) 2019 Pure Tyranny of Rawness (A Compendium of LoFi Raw Black Metal) (Split)
[Split with Wampyric Rites ]
11 01:08:37 320 157.18 Mb 2.22€
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