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Scientist (JAM)

Scientist (JAM)
Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown)
Discography  (total 29 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Jah Life In Dub - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2015 Jah Life In Dub 10 00:37:56 320 86.98 Mb 1.73€
Repatriation Dub - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2014 Repatriation Dub 20 01:19:35 320 182.56 Mb 3.51€
The People's Choice Dub - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2010 The People's Choice Dub 21 01:12:13 VBR-214 99.43 Mb 3.23€
In The Kingdom Of Dub - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2008 In The Kingdom Of Dub 21 01:13:28 320 170.35 Mb 3.58€
World At War - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2007 World At War 10 00:33:26 320 76.77 Mb 1.68€
Dub 911 - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2006 Dub 911 16 01:07:09 320 153.97 Mb 2.85€
In A Dub Explosion (Split) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2006 In A Dub Explosion (Split)
[Split with Roots Radics ]
13 00:47:28 320 108.88 Mb 2.23€
At The Dub Table (Split) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2005 At The Dub Table (Split)
[Split with Mad Professor ]
14 00:58:28 320 134.09 Mb 2.49€
Nightshade Meets Scientist (Split) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2005 Nightshade Meets Scientist (Split)
[Split with Nightshade ]
13 00:53:16 320 122.17 Mb 2.3€
RAS Portraits - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2003 RAS Portraits 12 00:50:46 320 116.42 Mb 2.14€
All Hail The Dub Head - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2001 All Hail The Dub Head 14 00:44:17
Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires (Remastered) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2001 Scientist Rids The World Of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires (Remastered) 10 00:37:34 320 86.15 Mb 1.73€
Scientist Dubs Culture Into A Parallel Universe... - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2000 Scientist Dubs Culture Into A Parallel Universe... 11 00:43:17 320 100.91 Mb 1.93€
Scientist Meets The Roots Radics (Repress) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 2000 Scientist Meets The Roots Radics (Repress) 15 00:54:33 320 125.15 Mb 2.58€
Scientist And Jammy Strike Back! (Reissue) (Split) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1997 Scientist And Jammy Strike Back! (Reissue) (Split)
[Split with Prince Jammy ]
10 00:32:31 320 74.61 Mb 1.67€
Dub In The Roots Tradition - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1996 Dub In The Roots Tradition 15 00:48:13 320 110.63 Mb 2.5€
King Tubby  Meets Scientist In A World Of Dub (Split) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1996 King Tubby Meets Scientist In A World Of Dub (Split)
[Split with King Tubby ]
14 00:53:52 320 123.57 Mb 2.44€
King Tubby's Meets Scientist At Dub Station (Split) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1996 King Tubby's Meets Scientist At Dub Station (Split)
[Split with King Tubby ]
14 00:50:47 320 116.51 Mb 2.4€
King Of Dub - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1987 King Of Dub 16 01:00:30 320 138.79 Mb 2.77€
Dubbin With Horns (Split) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1984 Dubbin With Horns (Split)
[Split with Roots Radics ]
14 00:50:29 320 115.81 Mb 2.4€
High Priest Of Dub (2011 Remaster) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1982 High Priest Of Dub (2011 Remaster) 20 01:11:28 VBR-255 120.39 Mb 3.2€
Scientist Wins The World Cup - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1982 Scientist Wins The World Cup 16 00:49:37 320 113.8 Mb 2.65€
Encounters Pac-Man At Channel One - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1982 Encounters Pac-Man At Channel One 10 00:32:56 320 75.57 Mb 1.68€
Scientific Dub - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1981 Scientific Dub 10 00:33:50 320 77.61 Mb 1.69€
Scientist Meets the Space Invaders - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1981 Scientist Meets the Space Invaders 10 00:32:01 320 73.48 Mb 1.67€
First Second & Third Generation Of Dub (Split) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1981 First Second & Third Generation Of Dub (Split)
[Split with King Tubby ]
8 00:29:56 320 68.72 Mb 1.38€
Best Dub Album In The World - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1980 Best Dub Album In The World 11 00:30:27 320 98.54 Mb 1.92€
Heavyweight Dub Champion - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1980 Heavyweight Dub Champion 10 00:32:51 320 75.41 Mb 1.68€
Big Showdown At King Tubby's (Feat.) - Scientist (JAM) (Overton 'Scientist' Brown, The Seducer, Hopeton Brown) 1980 Big Showdown At King Tubby's (Feat.)
[Featuring Prince Jammy ]
10 00:38:34 320 88.51 Mb 1.74€
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