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Schoof, Manfred

Schoof, Manfred
Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof)
Discography  (total 9 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Resonance (CD 1) - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 2009 Resonance (CD 1) 7 01:04:14
Resonance (CD 2) - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 2009 Resonance (CD 2) 7 00:52:36
Manfred Schoof Quintet And Rolf & Joachim Kohn Quartet - Avantgarde - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 2000 Manfred Schoof Quintet And Rolf & Joachim Kohn Quartet - Avantgarde
[Tribute by Joachim Kuhn Group ]
8 00:53:15 320 121.91 Mb 1.65€
Scales (LP) - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 1976 Scales (LP) 5 00:47:57
Manfred Schoof , Akira Sakata , Yosuke Yamashita , Takeo Moriyama - Distant Thunder (LP) - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 1975 Manfred Schoof , Akira Sakata , Yosuke Yamashita , Takeo Moriyama - Distant Thunder (LP) 4 00:43:57 320 100.66 Mb 1.02€
European Echoes (LP) - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 1969 European Echoes (LP) 2 00:30:41 320 70.27 Mb 0.61€
Manfred Schoof Sextet (LP) - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 1967 Manfred Schoof Sextet (LP) 5 00:38:29 320 88.12 Mb 1.09€
Jazz Meets India (Remastered 2015) - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 1967 Jazz Meets India (Remastered 2015)
[Tribute by Barney Wilen ]
3 00:37:31 320 86.19 Mb 0.82€
Voices (LP) - Schoof, Manfred (Manfred Schoof) 1966 Voices (LP) 6 00:41:39 320 95.45 Mb 1.26€
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