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Samra (DEU)

Samra (DEU)
Samra (DEU) (Hussein Akkouche)
Hip-Hop  /  Grime
Discography  (total 6 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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CATALEYA ED1TION (feat.) - Samra (DEU) (Hussein Akkouche) 2022 CATALEYA ED1TION (feat.)
[Featuring Anonym BOJAN ]
12 00:31:45 320 72.94 Mb 1.92€
Zweite Chance (feat.) - Samra (DEU) (Hussein Akkouche) 2022 Zweite Chance (feat.)
[Featuring 1986zig ]
16 00:42:11 320 96.77 Mb 2.56€
Rohdiamant (feat.) - Samra (DEU) (Hussein Akkouche) 2021 Rohdiamant (feat.)
[Featuring Bozza Topic Anonym ]
21 00:57:56 320 133.01 Mb 3.4€
BABYLON II (feat.) - Samra (DEU) (Hussein Akkouche) 2021 BABYLON II (feat.)
[Featuring BOJAN ]
15 00:38:43 320 88.86 Mb 2.39€
Jibrail & Iblis - Samra (DEU) (Hussein Akkouche) 2020 Jibrail & Iblis 22 01:02:53 VBR-320 144.49 Mb 3.58€
Berlin lebt 2 (feat. Samra) - Samra (DEU) (Hussein Akkouche) 2019 Berlin lebt 2 (feat. Samra)
[Featuring Capital Bra ]
18 00:51:00 320 117.07 Mb 2.93€
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Samra, real name Hussein Akkouche is German rapper.
In 2017, Bushido signed Samra to his EGJ label. In June 2018, Samra reached 1st place in Germany as a guest on the Bushido track "Für euch alle".
In October 2018, Samra was briefly arrested in Prague after someone called the police and reported that four were staying at the hotel. armed men. They were Samra with a film crew filming a video clip in Prague. Among the weapons seized from them by the police were several pistols, machete, hand grenade RGD-5 and RPG-75 grenade launcher.
In November 2018, he has recorded the first number 1 song in Germany - "Cataleya".
In January 2019, reports emerged that Samra had left the label Bushido had founded. In March 2019, Samra released a joint single with Capital Bra. This song, entitled "Wir ticken", debuted at # 1 in Germany.

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