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Robert Carty

Robert Carty
Robert Carty (Carty, Robert)
Discography  (total 29 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Cosmic Connections - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2012 Cosmic Connections 8 01:00:43 320 139.9 Mb 1.74€
Ecodrones - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2012 Ecodrones 6 01:01:56 320 142.8 Mb 1.49€
Ecoroots - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2012 Ecoroots 6 01:01:47 320 141.7 Mb 1.49€
Photonic Movements - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2011 Photonic Movements 3 01:00:02 320 140.69 Mb 1.09€
Paradise Earth - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2011 Paradise Earth 8 01:01:07 320 140.11 Mb 1.74€
Ancient Flow - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2011 Ancient Flow 4 01:01:10 320 141.04 Mb 1.23€
Starlight Volume 3 - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2010 Starlight Volume 3 8 00:59:35 320 138.78 Mb 1.73€
Starlight Volume 2 - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2009 Starlight Volume 2 8 00:58:46 320 136.56 Mb 1.72€
Starlight Volume 1 - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2008 Starlight Volume 1 8 01:01:12 320 141.8 Mb 1.75€
Tonalities - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2003 Tonalities 7 00:55:04 320 126.28 Mb 1.54€
Ethereal Deserts - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2003 Ethereal Deserts 7 01:13:00 320 168.81 Mb 1.75€
Climatic Infusion (Split) - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2002 Climatic Infusion (Split)
[Split with Brannan Lane ]
7 00:58:57 320 135.52 Mb 1.59€
Dreaming Earth Water Memories - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2002 Dreaming Earth Water Memories 6 01:03:19 320 146.87 Mb 1.51€
Serotonin Ashram - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2000 Serotonin Ashram 6 00:58:27 320 134.23 Mb 1.45€
The Inexplicable - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 2000 The Inexplicable 5 01:00:27 320 139.13 Mb 1.35€
Cloud Pull - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1999 Cloud Pull 6 01:00:54 320 139.58 Mb 1.48€
Energy - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1999 Energy 7 01:01:42 320 141.45 Mb 1.62€
Gateway - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1999 Gateway 2 00:57:25 320 131.72 Mb 0.92€
Plateaus Of Ether - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1999 Plateaus Of Ether 5 00:57:56 320 133.07 Mb 1.32€
Source - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1999 Source 7 01:01:52 320 142.01 Mb 1.62€
The Living - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1999 The Living 5 00:59:18 256 109.33 Mb 1.2€
The Mystic Choice - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1997 The Mystic Choice 9 01:04:25 320 147.93 Mb 1.91€
Cleansing Fire - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1997 Cleansing Fire 5 00:56:45 320 130.68 Mb 1.3€
Deep Spirit - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1997 Deep Spirit 6 01:00:07 VBR-199 82.04 Mb 1.19€
Flowing - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1996 Flowing 2 00:53:33 256 98.16 Mb 0.75€
High Meditations - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1996 High Meditations 9 01:00:16 320 139.38 Mb 1.87€
Sky Hearts - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1993 Sky Hearts 9 00:59:26 320 136.55 Mb 1.85€
Natural Wonder - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1992 Natural Wonder 10 00:59:17 320 145.73 Mb 2.03€
Atmospheres - Robert Carty (Carty, Robert) 1991 Atmospheres 10 00:59:28 320 137.64 Mb 1.99€
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