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Robert Calvert

Robert Calvert
Robert Calvert (Calvert, Robert Newton)
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Blueprints from the Cellar - Robert Calvert (Calvert, Robert Newton) 1992 Blueprints from the Cellar 17 01:10:57 320 164.74 Mb 3.03€
At the Queen Elizabeth Hall - Robert Calvert (Calvert, Robert Newton) 1989 At the Queen Elizabeth Hall 9 00:41:30 320 96.28 Mb 1.65€
Die Losung (Feat.) - Robert Calvert (Calvert, Robert Newton) 1989 Die Losung (Feat.)
[Featuring Amon Duul UK ]
8 00:45:56 320 105.26 Mb 1.57€
Freq (2008 Remastered) - Robert Calvert (Calvert, Robert Newton) 1984 Freq (2008 Remastered) 13 00:41:44 320 97.55 Mb 2.18€
Hype - Robert Calvert (Calvert, Robert Newton) 1981 Hype 16 00:59:03 320 138.48 Mb 2.77€
Lucky Lief and the Longships (2007 Remastered) - Robert Calvert (Calvert, Robert Newton) 1975 Lucky Lief and the Longships (2007 Remastered) 13 00:48:06 320 111.81 Mb 2.25€
Captain Lockheed and The Starfighters (2007 Remastered) - Robert Calvert (Calvert, Robert Newton) 1974 Captain Lockheed and The Starfighters (2007 Remastered) 20 00:57:17 320 133.41 Mb 3.27€
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