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Purdy, Joe

Purdy, Joe
Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy)
Discography  (total 14 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
Who Will Be Next? - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2016 Who Will Be Next? 9 00:40:00 VBR-320 100.15 Mb 1.67€
Eagle Rock Fire - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2014 Eagle Rock Fire 10 00:37:51 320 87.73 Mb 1.74€
4Th Of July - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2010 4Th Of July 10 00:48:01 320 110.61 Mb 1.85€
This American - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2010 This American 15 00:54:02 320 126.56 Mb 2.58€
Last Clock On The Wall - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2009 Last Clock On The Wall 10 00:47:20 320 108.58 Mb 1.84€
You Can Tell Georgia - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2007 You Can Tell Georgia 11 00:49:44 VBR-155 52.35 Mb 1.69€
Canyon Joe - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2007 Canyon Joe 10 00:37:03 VBR-246 60.12 Mb 1.6€
Take My Blanket And Go - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2007 Take My Blanket And Go 10 00:50:14 VBR-195 65.74 Mb 1.63€
Only Four Seasons - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2006 Only Four Seasons 11 00:52:46 128 48.77 Mb 1.67€
Paris In The Morning - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2006 Paris In The Morning 10 00:41:25 VBR-214 58.12 Mb 1.59€
Julie Blue - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2004 Julie Blue 11 00:30:07 128 28.96 Mb 1.57€
Stompingrounds - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2003 Stompingrounds 10 00:40:59 128 38.07 Mb 1.49€
Sessions From Motor Avenue - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2002 Sessions From Motor Avenue 10 00:45:29 128 42.57 Mb 1.51€
Joe Purdy - Purdy, Joe (Joe Purdy) 2001 Joe Purdy 10 00:52:12 320 119.97 Mb 1.9€
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