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Rock  /  Folk
Discography  (total 18 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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How It Ends - Primordial 2023 How It Ends 10 01:05:54
Exile Amongst the Ruins - Primordial 2018 Exile Amongst the Ruins 8 01:05:34
Exile Amongst The Ruins (Bonus Disk) - Primordial 2018 Exile Amongst The Ruins (Bonus Disk) 6 00:38:50
Where Greater Men Have Fallen (Limited Edition) - Primordial 2014 Where Greater Men Have Fallen (Limited Edition) 8 00:58:54
Redemption At The Puritan's Hand - Primordial 2011 Redemption At The Puritan's Hand 8 01:03:56
Spirit the Earth Aflame (Reissue) (CD 1) - Primordial 2010 Spirit the Earth Aflame (Reissue) (CD 1) 8 00:51:04
Spirit the Earth Aflame (Reissue) (CD 2) - Primordial 2010 Spirit the Earth Aflame (Reissue) (CD 2) 9 00:46:28
Imrama (1995 Re-Relesed) - Primordial 2009 Imrama (1995 Re-Relesed) 14 01:08:09
A Journeys End (Remastered 1998) (CD 1) - Primordial 2009 A Journeys End (Remastered 1998) (CD 1) 8 00:56:34
A Journeys End (Remastered 1998) (CD 2) - Primordial 2009 A Journeys End (Remastered 1998) (CD 2) 10 01:08:57
To The Nameless Dead - Primordial 2007 To The Nameless Dead 8 00:54:42
The Gathering Wilderness - Primordial 2005 The Gathering Wilderness 7 00:59:30
Storm Before Calm - Primordial 2002 Storm Before Calm 8 00:55:05 320 127.07 Mb 1.68€
Spirit The Earth Aflame - Primordial 2000 Spirit The Earth Aflame 8 00:51:18 320 117.95 Mb 1.63€
A Journey's End - Primordial 1998 A Journey's End 7 00:47:25 320 114.31 Mb 1.48€
Imrama - Primordial 1995 Imrama 12 00:58:48 320 127.04 Mb 2.2€
Rehearsal - Primordial 1994 Rehearsal 3 00:14:19 160 16.45 Mb 0.47€
Dark Romanticism... Sorrow's Bitter Harvest... (Demo) - Primordial 1993 Dark Romanticism... Sorrow's Bitter Harvest... (Demo) 4 00:22:12 128 20.48 Mb 0.62€
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