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Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Barbaro (Ma Non Troppo) - Present 2009 Barbaro (Ma Non Troppo) 3 00:44:41 320 102.65 Mb 0.9€
A Great Inhumane Adventure - Present 2005 A Great Inhumane Adventure 5 01:11:35 320 164.34 Mb 1.47€
2003 "Triskaidekaphobie"/"Le Poison Qui Rend Fou" 7 01:14:02 192 101.76 Mb 1.42€
High Infidelity - Present 2001 High Infidelity 9 00:47:56 192 65.97 Mb 1.5€
No. 6 - Present 1999 No. 6 13 00:47:04 192 64.81 Mb 2.01€
Certitudes - Present 1998 Certitudes 4 00:39:52 192 54.8 Mb 0.79€
Live! - Present 1996 Live! 4 00:52:44 320 121.15 Mb 1.13€
C.O.D. Performance - Present 1993 C.O.D. Performance 3 00:49:03 320 112.57 Mb 0.95€
Triskaidekaphobie & Le Poison Qui Rend Fou (LP 1) - Present 1989 Triskaidekaphobie & Le Poison Qui Rend Fou (LP 1) 3 00:38:17 320 87.92 Mb 0.83€
Triskaidekaphobie & Le Poison Qui Rend Fou (LP 2) - Present 1989 Triskaidekaphobie & Le Poison Qui Rend Fou (LP 2) 4 00:39:27 320 90.68 Mb 0.97€
Le Poison Qui Rend Fou (Remastered 2014) - Present 1985 Le Poison Qui Rend Fou (Remastered 2014) 4 00:39:33 320 90.87 Mb 0.97€
Triskaïdékaphobie - Present 1980 Triskaïdékaphobie 5 00:59:08 320 135.84 Mb 1.33€
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