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Discography  (total 23 Live Albums )
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Live Albums
Masquerade 20 (CD 1) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2017 Masquerade 20 (CD 1) 9 01:08:48 VBR-320 157.67 Mb 1.96€
Masquerade 20 (CD 2) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2017 Masquerade 20 (CD 2) 8 01:10:39 VBR-320 161.89 Mb 1.85€
Out Of Order Comes Chaos - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2012 Out Of Order Comes Chaos 16 02:37:45 320 361.46 Mb 3.89€
Mega Daze Day Europe (CD 2) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2011 Mega Daze Day Europe (CD 2) 7 00:58:29 320 134 Mb 1.58€
Mega Daze Day Europe (CD 3) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2011 Mega Daze Day Europe (CD 3) 9 00:56:07 320 128.71 Mb 1.81€
Mega Daze Day Europe (CD 4) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2011 Mega Daze Day Europe (CD 4) 6 00:55:32 320 127.27 Mb 1.42€
Pendragon with Andy Sears - Live In Aschaffenburg, 2011 (CD 1) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2011 Pendragon with Andy Sears - Live In Aschaffenburg, 2011 (CD 1) 5 00:43:05 320 98.64 Mb 1.14€
Pendragon with Andy Sears - Live In Aschaffenburg, 2011 (CD 2) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2011 Pendragon with Andy Sears - Live In Aschaffenburg, 2011 (CD 2) 7 00:44:12 320 101.27 Mb 1.42€
Pendragon with Andy Sears - Live In Aschaffenburg, 2011 (CD 3) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2011 Pendragon with Andy Sears - Live In Aschaffenburg, 2011 (CD 3) 6 00:43:15 320 99.03 Mb 1.28€
Pendragon with Andy Sears - Live In Aschaffenburg, 2011 (CD 4) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2011 Pendragon with Andy Sears - Live In Aschaffenburg, 2011 (CD 4) 7 00:30:50 320 70.62 Mb 1.26€
Mega Daze Day Europe (CD 1) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2011 Mega Daze Day Europe (CD 1) 8 00:59:21 320 136 Mb 1.72€
Live At Rosfest, 2010 (CD 1) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2010 Live At Rosfest, 2010 (CD 1) 5 01:04:21 320 147.31 Mb 1.39€
Live At Rosfest, 2010 (CD 2) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2010 Live At Rosfest, 2010 (CD 2) 6 01:00:00 320 137.36 Mb 1.47€
Concerto Maximo (CD 1) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2009 Concerto Maximo (CD 1) 9 01:18:08 320 179.02 Mb 2.07€
Concerto Maximo (CD 2) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2009 Concerto Maximo (CD 2) 8 01:15:08 320 172.15 Mb 1.9€
Past And Presence (Teatr Slaski im. Stanislawa Wyspianskogo, Katowice, October 31st 2006) (CD 1) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2007 Past And Presence (Teatr Slaski im. Stanislawa Wyspianskogo, Katowice, October 31st 2006) (CD 1) 9 00:49:03 320 112.45 Mb 1.73€
Past And Presence (Teatr Slaski im. Stanislawa Wyspianskogo, Katowice, October 31st 2006) (CD 2) - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2007 Past And Presence (Teatr Slaski im. Stanislawa Wyspianskogo, Katowice, October 31st 2006) (CD 2) 6 00:50:27 320 115.59 Mb 1.36€
And Now Everybody To The Stage... - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 2006 And Now Everybody To The Stage... 16 02:17:31 VBR-206 197.45 Mb 3.07€
Live ... At Last! Krakow Poland - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 1997 Live ... At Last! Krakow Poland 12 01:37:24 128 89.27 Mb 2.01€
Live In Krakow, 1996 - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 1997 Live In Krakow, 1996 8 01:10:11 320 160.83 Mb 1.84€
Utrecht.........The Final Frontier - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 1995 Utrecht.........The Final Frontier 7 00:58:18 320 133.56 Mb 1.58€
Live in Lille, France, 1992 - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 1993 Live in Lille, France, 1992 5 00:52:16 320 119.75 Mb 1.25€
9:15 - Live - Pendragon (Zeus Pendragon) 1986 9:15 - Live 10 01:00:18
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