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Patch Bay

Patch Bay
Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Lost in Time (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2018 Lost in Time (EP) 2 00:19:09 VBR-320 44.17 Mb 0.48€
Love Guru (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2017 Love Guru (EP) 3 00:23:54 320 55.05 Mb 0.67€
Symbiosis (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2015 Symbiosis (EP) 2 00:14:18 320 32.77 Mb 0.42€
On Yo' Feet (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2014 On Yo' Feet (EP) 2 00:16:38 320 38.23 Mb 0.45€
It's All About Music (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2012 It's All About Music (EP) 3 00:22:28 VBR-236 37.72 Mb 0.58€
Sonic Boom (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2011 Sonic Boom (EP) 4 00:30:27 VBR-199 37.28 Mb 0.71€
Deep Thought (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2011 Deep Thought (EP) 3 00:22:34 320 51.8 Mb 0.65€
Why The Universe Exists (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2010 Why The Universe Exists (EP) 3 00:20:33 320 47.41 Mb 0.63€
Pure (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2009 Pure (EP) 3 00:22:33 320 51.68 Mb 0.65€
Volcanic Stones (EP) - Patch Bay (Frederico Drummond) 2009 Volcanic Stones (EP) 3 00:22:52 VBR-262 40.79 Mb 0.59€
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