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Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Wearewhoweare - Pallas 2014 Wearewhoweare 9 01:01:04 320 139.92 Mb 1.87€
XXV - Pallas 2011 XXV 11 01:01:54 320 141.94 Mb 2.14€
The Dreams Of Men - Pallas 2005 The Dreams Of Men 9 01:13:06 320 167.48 Mb 2.01€
The Cross & The Crucible - Pallas 2001 The Cross & The Crucible 9 01:03:31 320 145.6 Mb 1.9€
Beat The Drum - Pallas 1999 Beat The Drum 11 01:11:35 320 164.13 Mb 2.25€
The Wedge - Pallas 1986 The Wedge 10 00:56:09 320 128.74 Mb 1.94€
The Wedge (Deluxe Edition 2009) - Pallas 1986 The Wedge (Deluxe Edition 2009) 11 01:00:26 320 139.23 Mb 2.13€
The Sentinel - Pallas 1984 The Sentinel 10 00:57:24 320 132.44 Mb 1.96€
The Sentinel (2004 Remaster) - Pallas 1984 The Sentinel (2004 Remaster) 10 00:57:24 320 131.6 Mb 1.96€
The Sentinel (Deluxe Edition 2009) [Cd 1] - Pallas 1984 The Sentinel (Deluxe Edition 2009) [Cd 1] 7 00:49:29 320 113.85 Mb 1.48€
The Sentinel (Deluxe Edition 2009) [Cd 2] - Pallas 1984 The Sentinel (Deluxe Edition 2009) [Cd 2] 6 00:41:09 320 94.69 Mb 1.25€
The Sentinel (Lp) - Pallas 1984 The Sentinel (Lp) 6 00:39:09 320 91.07 Mb 1.24€
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