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Outlaws (The Outlaws)
Discography  (total 10 Live Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Live Albums
Legacy Live - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 2016 Legacy Live 21 01:57:12 320 269.4 Mb 4.08€
Legacy Live (CD 1) - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 2016 Legacy Live (CD 1) 12 00:59:40 320 137.18 Mb 2.25€
Legacy Live (CD 2) - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 2016 Legacy Live (CD 2) 9 00:57:32 320 132.18 Mb 1.83€
Outlaws at the Record Plant, 1975-76 (Remastered) [CD 1] - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 2016 Outlaws at the Record Plant, 1975-76 (Remastered) [CD 1] 8 00:49:13 320 113.52 Mb 1.61€
Outlaws at the Record Plant, 1975-76 (Remastered) [CD 2] - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 2016 Outlaws at the Record Plant, 1975-76 (Remastered) [CD 2] 7 00:44:10 320 101.86 Mb 1.42€
Live in Los Angeles, 1976 - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 2015 Live in Los Angeles, 1976 9 00:51:25
Green Grass and High Tides Forever (Live) [EP] - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 2009 Green Grass and High Tides Forever (Live) [EP] 4 00:24:34 320 56.88 Mb 0.8€
Wanted (Live) [EP] - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 2009 Wanted (Live) [EP] 4 00:25:01 320 57.74 Mb 0.81€
Hittin The Road Live - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 1993 Hittin The Road Live 10 01:03:37 320 145.83 Mb 2.03€
Bring It Back Alive - Outlaws (The Outlaws) 1978 Bring It Back Alive 12 01:15:59
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