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Discography  (total 27 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Compilations, Remixes
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Int'l Players Anthem (I Choose You) [EP] - OutKast 2007 Int'l Players Anthem (I Choose You) [EP] 4 00:16:47 320 38.5 Mb 0.71€
Hollywood Divorce [EP] - OutKast 2006 Hollywood Divorce [EP] 4 00:16:28 320 37.72 Mb 0.71€
Roses - OutKast 2004 Roses 3 00:15:12 320 34.85 Mb 0.56€
Ghetto Musick (Promo Single) - OutKast 2003 Ghetto Musick (Promo Single) 2 00:07:55
Ghetto Musick / She Lives In My Lap [EP] - OutKast 2003 Ghetto Musick / She Lives In My Lap [EP] 5 00:20:39
Hey Ya! [EP 1] - OutKast 2003 Hey Ya! [EP 1] 3 00:14:03 320 32.32 Mb 0.55€
Hey Ya! [EP 2] - OutKast 2003 Hey Ya! [EP 2] 3 00:13:12 320 30.43 Mb 0.54€
The Whole World [EP 1] - OutKast 2002 The Whole World [EP 1] 4 00:18:43
The Whole World [EP 2] - OutKast 2002 The Whole World [EP 2] 4 00:18:22
Ms. Jackson [EP] - OutKast 2001 Ms. Jackson [EP] 4 00:18:01
So Fresh, So Clean [EP] - OutKast 2001 So Fresh, So Clean [EP] 4 00:18:38
So Fresh, So Clean (Promo Single) - OutKast 2001 So Fresh, So Clean (Promo Single) 3 00:08:23
B.O.B. (DVD) [EP] - OutKast 2000 B.O.B. (DVD) [EP] 3 00:16:03 320 36.89 Mb 0.57€
B.O.B. (Promo Single) - OutKast 2000 B.O.B. (Promo Single) 3 00:09:39 320 22.15 Mb 0.5€
Ms. Jackson - OutKast 2000 Ms. Jackson 2 00:07:47
Da Art Of Storytellin', Pt.1 [EP] - OutKast 1998 Da Art Of Storytellin', Pt.1 [EP] 4 00:16:28 320 37.76 Mb 0.71€
Skew It On The Bar-B [EP] - OutKast 1998 Skew It On The Bar-B [EP] 4 00:12:54 320 29.84 Mb 0.67€
Watch For The Hook - OutKast 1998 Watch For The Hook 2 00:07:46 320 17.9 Mb 0.35€
ATLiens / Wheelz Of Steel (EP 2) - OutKast 1997 ATLiens / Wheelz Of Steel (EP 2) 4 00:15:43 320 36.27 Mb 0.7€
Jazzy Belle (Remix) [EP] - OutKast 1997 Jazzy Belle (Remix) [EP] 5 00:20:40 320 47.7 Mb 0.89€
Atliens / Wheelz Of Steel (EP 1) - OutKast 1996 Atliens / Wheelz Of Steel (EP 1) 8 00:29:17 320 67.15 Mb 1.38€
Elevators (Me & You) [EP] - OutKast 1996 Elevators (Me & You) [EP] 5 00:22:48 320 52.75 Mb 0.91€
Elevators (Me & You) [Promo Single] - OutKast 1996 Elevators (Me & You) [Promo Single] 2 00:08:53 320 20.57 Mb 0.36€
Jazzy Belle [EP] - OutKast 1996 Jazzy Belle [EP] 4 00:16:20 320 37.71 Mb 0.71€
Cell Therapy (EP) - OutKast 1995 Cell Therapy (EP) 5 00:22:20 320 51.48 Mb 0.91€
Git Up, Git Out (EP) - OutKast 1994 Git Up, Git Out (EP) 5 00:31:03 320 71.49 Mb 1.01€
Player's Ball (EP) - OutKast 1993 Player's Ball (EP) 4 00:17:54 320 41.08 Mb 0.73€
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