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Discography  (total 18 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
Reflection - Mr.Children 2015 Reflection 14 01:07:12 320 155.68 Mb 2.6€
(An Imitation) Blood Orange - Mr.Children 2012 (An Imitation) Blood Orange 11 00:58:56 320 135.96 Mb 2.11€
Sense - Mr.Children 2010 Sense 12 01:02:57 320 145.53 Mb 2.29€
Supermarket Fantasy - Mr.Children 2008 Supermarket Fantasy 14 01:09:49 320 161.36 Mb 2.63€
Home - Mr.Children 2007 Home 14 01:12:18 320 165.63 Mb 2.65€
I Love U - Mr.Children 2005 I Love U 13 01:03:59 192 88.76 Mb 2.13€
Shifuku No Oto - Mr.Children 2004 Shifuku No Oto 12 01:00:34 320 139.34 Mb 2.26€
It's A Wonderful World - Mr.Children 2002 It's A Wonderful World 15 01:09:23 VBR-264 114.37 Mb 2.52€
Q - Mr.Children 2000 Q 13 01:03:43 VBR-264 100.13 Mb 2.19€
1/42 (CD 1) - Mr.Children 1999 1/42 (CD 1) 8 00:48:38 VBR-290 89.82 Mb 1.49€
1/42 (CD 2) - Mr.Children 1999 1/42 (CD 2) 10 01:02:20 VBR-294 118.23 Mb 1.89€
Discovery - Mr.Children 1999 Discovery 11 01:03:27 VBR-246 96.57 Mb 1.91€
Bolero - Mr.Children 1997 Bolero 12 00:56:51 VBR-279 99.71 Mb 2.06€
Shinkai - Mr.Children 1996 Shinkai 13 00:47:48 192 66.11 Mb 2.02€
Atomic Heart - Mr.Children 1994 Atomic Heart 12 00:54:04 VBR-263 92.51 Mb 2.02€
Versus - Mr.Children 1993 Versus 10 00:45:23 256 83.44 Mb 1.72€
Everything - Mr.Children 1992 Everything 7 00:32:09 128 29.68 Mb 1.06€
Kind Of Love - Mr.Children 1992 Kind Of Love 11 00:52:17 VBR-242 82.02 Mb 1.84€
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