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Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero)
Jazz  /  Electronica  /  Dance
Discography  (total 17 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Unlimited (The Deeplounge Collection) - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2012 Unlimited (The Deeplounge Collection) 23 02:09:58 320 299.57 Mb 4.49€
Beatsoulvibes - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2011 Beatsoulvibes 15 01:18:11 320 179.19 Mb 2.85€
Extra Time - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2011 Extra Time 5 00:33:22 320 76.48 Mb 1.03€
Instant Note - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2011 Instant Note 16 01:17:50 320 178.42 Mb 2.97€
Think Vibe - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2011 Think Vibe 14 01:09:17 320 158.9 Mb 2.61€
Beatsoulvibes (Special Edition) - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2011 Beatsoulvibes (Special Edition) 14 01:17:26 320 177.46 Mb 2.71€
Deep House Sessions (Lounge Sessions) - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2011 Deep House Sessions (Lounge Sessions) 16 01:25:50 320 196.86 Mb 3.06€
Soul Glamour (split) - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2010 Soul Glamour (split)
[Split with Paola Turci ]
13 01:13:13 320 167.75 Mb 2.53€
The Album (split) - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2010 The Album (split)
[Split with Paola Turci ]
12 00:59:08 320 136.13 Mb 2.24€
In house Sessions, Vol. 1 - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2009 In house Sessions, Vol. 1 13 01:09:34 320 159.42 Mb 2.49€
Afternoon Cocktail - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2008 Afternoon Cocktail 14 01:18:17 320 179.43 Mb 2.72€
Get Around With It - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2007 Get Around With It 15 01:18:35 VBR-224 109.73 Mb 2.5€
Silk Grooves, Vol. 1 - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2007 Silk Grooves, Vol. 1 12 01:00:55 320 139.61 Mb 2.26€
Moods Deluxe - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2006 Moods Deluxe 12 01:00:48 320 139.28 Mb 2.26€
So Far... - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2004 So Far... 17 01:19:14 320 181.68 Mb 3.12€
The Glamorous Shop - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2002 The Glamorous Shop 15 01:07:05 320 153.83 Mb 2.72€
Pacific Lunar - Monodeluxe (Alessandro Oliviero) 2002 Pacific Lunar 11 01:00:48 320 139.38 Mb 2.13€
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