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Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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X-Rated (Split) - Molella 2011 X-Rated (Split)
[Split with Supafly Inc ]
7 00:31:15 VBR-244 52.75 Mb 1.17€
Mollywood - Molella 2009 Mollywood 12 01:09:16 VBR-219 98.15 Mb 2.05€
Made In Italy - Molella 2004 Made In Italy 12 00:53:13 256 97.63 Mb 2.05€
Club Star - Molella 2004 Club Star 15 01:13:03 320 167.58 Mb 2.79€
Les Jeuh Sont Faits - Molella 2001 Les Jeuh Sont Faits 12 00:43:31 320 99.84 Mb 2.06€
Listen - Molella 2001 Listen 4 00:17:11 192 23.65 Mb 0.64€
Originale Radicale Musicale - Molella 1995 Originale Radicale Musicale 14 01:01:54 320 141.95 Mb 2.53€
Change - Molella 1994 Change 4 00:16:56 VBR-171 20.47 Mb 0.62€
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