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Moholo, Louis

Moholo, Louis
Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo)
Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Ancestors (Split) - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 2012 Ancestors (Split)
[Split with Wadada Leo Smith ]
9 01:00:33 320 138.84 Mb 1.86€
Elton Dean's Ninesense Suite (split) - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 2011 Elton Dean's Ninesense Suite (split)
[Split with Elton Dean ]
2 01:18:32 320 179.78 Mb 1.16€
Sibanye (We Are One) (split) - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 2008 Sibanye (We Are One) (split)
[Split with Crispell, Marilyn ]
7 00:58:51 320 134.88 Mb 1.58€
Bra Louis-Bra Tebs - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 2006 Bra Louis-Bra Tebs 12 01:04:10 320 147.11 Mb 2.3€
Spirits Rejoice - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 2006 Spirits Rejoice 5 00:44:20 320 101.55 Mb 1.16€
Spiritual Knowledge And Grace - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 2004 Spiritual Knowledge And Grace 2 01:08:56 320 157.82 Mb 1.05€
Tern - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 2003 Tern 4 01:14:04 320 169.61 Mb 1.37€
Foxes Fox (split) - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 1999 Foxes Fox (split)
[Split with Evan Parker ]
9 01:17:13 320 176.86 Mb 2.05€
Bush Fire - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 1996 Bush Fire 10 01:18:07 320 179.01 Mb 2.2€
Remembrance (split) - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 1988 Remembrance (split)
[Split with Cecil Taylor ]
3 01:03:25 320 145.23 Mb 1.12€
Irene Schweizer & Louis Moholo (split) - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 1987 Irene Schweizer & Louis Moholo (split)
[Split with Irene Schweizer ]
4 00:39:14 320 89.85 Mb 0.97€
No Gossip - Moholo, Louis (Louis Tebugo Moholo) 1982 No Gossip 4 00:43:26 320 99.5 Mb 1.02€
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