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Michael W. Smith

Michael W. Smith
Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith)
Pop  /  Rock
Discography  (total 23 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Awaken: The Surrounded Experience - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2019 Awaken: The Surrounded Experience 13 01:11:04 VBR-320 104.41 Mb 2.21€
Surrounded - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2018 Surrounded 12 01:10:28 VBR-320 162.01 Mb 2.37€
A Million Lights - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2018 A Million Lights 13 00:49:12 VBR-320 113.34 Mb 2.26€
Lullaby - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2018 Lullaby 27 00:46:24 320 106.78 Mb 4.04€
Sovereign (Deluxe Edition) - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2014 Sovereign (Deluxe Edition) 15 01:10:04
Glory - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2011 Glory 12 00:52:17 320 121.09 Mb 2.17€
Wonder - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2010 Wonder 12 00:53:43 320 123.26 Mb 2.18€
A New Hallelujah - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2008 A New Hallelujah 15 01:08:56
It's A Wonderful Christmas - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2007 It's A Wonderful Christmas 11 00:39:46
Stand - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2006 Stand 11 00:39:45
Healing Rain - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2005 Healing Rain 12 00:58:01
Worship Again - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2002 Worship Again 14 01:04:15
Worship - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2001 Worship 13 01:07:29
Freedom - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 2000 Freedom 12 00:40:52 320 93.78 Mb 2.03€
This Is Your Time - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1999 This Is Your Time 13 00:50:18 320 115.37 Mb 2.27€
Christmastime - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1998 Christmastime 12 00:45:06
Live the Life - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1998 Live the Life 12 00:56:48 160 65.11 Mb 1.89€
I'll Lead You Home - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1995 I'll Lead You Home 14 01:03:12
Christmas - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1993 Christmas 10 00:37:02
The Big Picture - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1993 The Big Picture 10 00:50:17
Change Your World - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1992 Change Your World 11 00:50:21
Go West Young Man - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1990 Go West Young Man 10 00:43:11 320 99.04 Mb 1.8€
Michael W. Smith 2 - Michael W. Smith (Michael Whitaker Smith) 1989 Michael W. Smith 2 10 00:36:18
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