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Discography  (total 159 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Live Albums | Compilations, Remixes | Bootlegs
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Whiskey In The Jar (EP) - Metallica 1998 Whiskey In The Jar (EP) 6 00:27:12
The Memory Remains - Metallica 1997 The Memory Remains 3 00:16:00
Bleeding Me (CD Single) - Metallica 1997 Bleeding Me (CD Single) 2 00:14:19
The Memory Remains (CD Single) - Metallica 1997 The Memory Remains (CD Single) 2 00:09:18
The Memory Remains (Promo Single) - Metallica 1997 The Memory Remains (Promo Single) 1 00:04:38
The Memory Remains (Maxi-Single) - Metallica 1997 The Memory Remains (Maxi-Single) 3 00:20:34
The Memory Remains (EP) - Metallica 1997 The Memory Remains (EP) 6 00:36:42
Fuel (CD Single) - Metallica 1997 Fuel (CD Single) 2 00:10:54
Fuel (Promo Single) - Metallica 1997 Fuel (Promo Single) 1 00:04:29
The Unforgiven II - The Memory Remains (CD Single) - Metallica 1997 The Unforgiven II - The Memory Remains (CD Single) 2 00:11:09
The Unforgiven II (Promo Single) - Metallica 1997 The Unforgiven II (Promo Single) 1 00:06:35
Hero Of The Day (Japan) - Metallica 1996 Hero Of The Day (Japan) 6 00:28:03
Hero Of The Day - Metallica 1996 Hero Of The Day 2 00:14:40
Hero Of The Day (Promo Single) - Metallica 1996 Hero Of The Day (Promo Single) 1 00:04:21
Hero Of The Day (CD Single) - Metallica 1996 Hero Of The Day (CD Single) 4 00:18:49
Hero Of The Day; Mouldy (CD Single) - Metallica 1996 Hero Of The Day; Mouldy (CD Single) 4 00:17:49
Hero Of The Day (Maxi-Single) - Metallica 1996 Hero Of The Day (Maxi-Single) 5 00:20:15
King Nothing (CD Single) - Metallica 1996 King Nothing (CD Single) 2 00:11:30
Mama Said (Radio Single) - Metallica 1996 Mama Said (Radio Single) 2 00:10:02
Mama Said, Part One (CD Single) - Metallica 1996 Mama Said, Part One (CD Single) 4 00:22:47
Mama Said, Part Two (CD Single) - Metallica 1996 Mama Said, Part Two (CD Single) 4 00:22:01
Mama Said (EP) - Metallica 1996 Mama Said (EP) 6 00:34:40
Mandatory Metallica (EP) - Metallica 1996 Mandatory Metallica (EP) 7 00:43:48
Until It Sleeps (CD Single) - Metallica 1996 Until It Sleeps (CD Single) 2 00:10:42
Until It Sleeps, Part I (CD Single) - Metallica 1996 Until It Sleeps, Part I (CD Single) 3 00:15:40
Until It Sleeps, Part II (CD Single) - Metallica 1996 Until It Sleeps, Part II (CD Single) 3 00:19:15
Until It Sleeps (EP) - Metallica 1996 Until It Sleeps (EP) 6 00:34:32
One (Maxi-Single) - Metallica 1994 One (Maxi-Single) 3 00:24:07
Sad But True (UK Maxi-Single) - Metallica 1993 Sad But True (UK Maxi-Single) 4 00:24:54
Enter Sandman; One (CD Single - Live) - Metallica 1993 Enter Sandman; One (CD Single - Live) 2 00:17:01
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