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Masked Wolf

Masked Wolf
Masked Wolf (Harry Michael)
Hip-Hop  /  Pop Rap  /  Trap
Discography  (total 2 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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The Devil Wears Prada But God Wears Gucci - Masked Wolf (Harry Michael) 2024 The Devil Wears Prada But God Wears Gucci * 13 00:35:58 320 82.55 Mb 2.1€
Astronomical - Masked Wolf (Harry Michael) 2021 Astronomical * 17 00:44:19
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Harry Michael, better known as Masked Wolf, is an Australian rapper and singer.
Gained worldwide popularity due to the "Astronaut in the Ocean" single.
He started writing music at the age of 13, in 2019 in an interview he said: “I have always been interested in music, my outlet was playing such instruments, like piano, guitar and drums. And I'm a great fan of American hip-hop.

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