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Maiia (Alla Vagner)
Electronica  /  World  /  Rock
Discography  (total 15 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Happiness Inside You - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2022 Happiness Inside You * 8 00:55:42 320 127.69 Mb 1.68€
Spacechillers Vol. 5 (Compiled by Maiia) - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2022 Spacechillers Vol. 5 (Compiled by Maiia) *
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
11 01:25:36 320 196.2 Mb 2.41€
Spacechillers Vol. 4 (Compiled by Maiia) - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2021 Spacechillers Vol. 4 (Compiled by Maiia) *
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
14 01:45:53 320 242.58 Mb 3.03€
Love Is The Answer - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2020 Love Is The Answer * 9 00:57:35 320 131.94 Mb 1.83€
Spacechillers Vol. 2 (Compiled by Maiia) - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2019 Spacechillers Vol. 2 (Compiled by Maiia) *
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
10 01:32:56 320 212.95 Mb 2.36€
Spacechillers Vol. 3 (Compiled by Maiia) - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2019 Spacechillers Vol. 3 (Compiled by Maiia) *
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
12 01:19:29 320 182.19 Mb 2.47€
Evolution - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2018 Evolution * 9 00:58:41 320 134.5 Mb 1.84€
Shining Dragon - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2017 Shining Dragon * 10 01:01:33 320 141.05 Mb 2.01€
Spacechillers (Compiled by Maiia) - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2017 Spacechillers (Compiled by Maiia) *
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
12 01:35:48 320 219.53 Mb 2.66€
Integration With Nature (Compiled by Maiia) - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2015 Integration With Nature (Compiled by Maiia) *
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
10 01:09:44 320 159.81 Mb 2.1€
The Moonbeats (Compiled by Maiia) - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2014 The Moonbeats (Compiled by Maiia) *
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
10 01:16:09 320 174.46 Mb 2.17€
Mystic Chill Chapter 1 (Compiled By Maiia) - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2014 Mystic Chill Chapter 1 (Compiled By Maiia) *
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
12 01:34:52 320 217.39 Mb 2.65€
Shakti - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2012 Shakti 9 00:59:26 224 96.66 Mb 1.65€
Primrose - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2012 Primrose * 9 01:05:45 320 150.67 Mb 1.92€
Sacred Knowledge of Ancient Civilizations - Maiia (Alla Vagner) 2011 Sacred Knowledge of Ancient Civilizations * 10 01:13:03
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