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Lunatica (ESP)

Lunatica (ESP)
Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat)
Discography  (total 15 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
One Psy Nation (EP) - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2018 One Psy Nation (EP) 2 00:16:24 VBR-320 37.58 Mb 0.45€
Universe Knows (EP) - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2018 Universe Knows (EP) 2 00:15:10 320 34.74 Mb 0.43€
Drop Modulator [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2017 Drop Modulator [EP] 3 00:21:53 320 50.42 Mb 0.64€
Linked Worlds [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2017 Linked Worlds [EP] 2 00:14:44 320 33.86 Mb 0.43€
Kumara [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2017 Kumara [EP] 2 00:15:06 VBR-320 34.75 Mb 0.43€
Trippy [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2017 Trippy [EP] 2 00:14:15 320 33 Mb 0.43€
Me In You (EP) - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2017 Me In You (EP) 2 00:15:31 320 35.56 Mb 0.44€
El Meraya - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2017 El Meraya 1 00:07:00 320 16.04 Mb 0.21€
Book Of Life [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2016 Book Of Life [EP] 2 00:15:10 320 34.94 Mb 0.43€
Sonic Arts [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2016 Sonic Arts [EP] 2 00:15:08 320 34.79 Mb 0.43€
Double Trip [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2016 Double Trip [EP] 3 00:24:24 320 55.99 Mb 0.67€
Flow Surfer [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2016 Flow Surfer [EP] 2 00:15:09 320 34.87 Mb 0.43€
Quantum Adventures [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2016 Quantum Adventures [EP] 2 00:14:53 320 34.64 Mb 0.43€
Wonders Machine [EP] - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2016 Wonders Machine [EP] 2 00:17:43 320 40.8 Mb 0.46€
Wonders Machine (EP) - Lunatica (ESP) (Miguel Solans / Miguel Santanat) 2016 Wonders Machine (EP) 2 00:17:43 320 40.8 Mb 0.46€
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