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Lucier, Alvin

Lucier, Alvin
Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier)
Discography  (total 17 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Old School: Alvin Lucier (split) - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2010 Old School: Alvin Lucier (split)
[Split with Zeitkratzer ]
5 00:57:29 320 131.73 Mb 1.31€
Wind Shadows (CD 1) - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2005 Wind Shadows (CD 1) 4 00:59:28 192 81.71 Mb 0.93€
Wind Shadows (CD 2) - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2005 Wind Shadows (CD 2) 9 01:18:09 192 107.45 Mb 1.71€
Navigations For Strings, Small Waves - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2003 Navigations For Strings, Small Waves 2 01:10:58 320 162.44 Mb 1.07€
Nothing Is Real - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2003 Nothing Is Real 5 00:59:27 192 81.71 Mb 1.06€
Still And Moving Lines Of Silence In Families Of Hyperbolas (CD 1) - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2002 Still And Moving Lines Of Silence In Families Of Hyperbolas (CD 1) 6 01:03:31 320 145.5 Mb 1.51€
Still And Moving Lines Of Silence In Families Of Hyperbolas (CD 2) - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2002 Still And Moving Lines Of Silence In Families Of Hyperbolas (CD 2) 6 01:02:58 320 144.21 Mb 1.5€
Vespers And Other Early Woks - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2002 Vespers And Other Early Woks 5 01:05:09 320 149.18 Mb 1.4€
Still Lives - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 2001 Still Lives 10 00:53:17 320 122.13 Mb 1.91€
Theme - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 1999 Theme 3 00:57:02 320 130.59 Mb 1.04€
Clocker - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 1994 Clocker 1 00:44:13 320 101.21 Mb 0.64€
Crossings: Three Works For Classical Instruments And Oscillators - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 1990 Crossings: Three Works For Classical Instruments And Oscillators 3 00:54:48 320 125.5 Mb 1.02€
Sferics - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 1988 Sferics 3 00:32:34 192 44.77 Mb 0.61€
Music For Solo Performer - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 1982 Music For Solo Performer 2 00:28:30 192 39.16 Mb 0.46€
I Am Sitting In A Room - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 1981 I Am Sitting In A Room 1 00:45:24 320 103.92 Mb 0.65€
Music on a Long Thin Wire - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 1980 Music on a Long Thin Wire 4 01:14:46 320 171.19 Mb 1.38€
Bird And Person Dyning - Lucier, Alvin (Alvin Lucier) 1976 Bird And Person Dyning 2 00:44:15 256 81.05 Mb 0.67€
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