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Lil Tecca

Lil Tecca
Lil Tecca (Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe)
Hip-Hop  /  Trap
Discography  (total 5 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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PLAN A - Lil Tecca (Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe) 2024 PLAN A 18 00:44:18 320 102.92 Mb 2.85€
TEC - Lil Tecca (Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe) 2023 TEC 16 00:38:03
We Love You Tecca 2 - Lil Tecca (Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe) 2021 We Love You Tecca 2 20 00:47:30
Virgo World - Lil Tecca (Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe) 2020 Virgo World 19 00:45:31
We Love You Tecca - Lil Tecca (Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe) 2019 We Love You Tecca 17 00:40:53
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Tyler-Justin Anthony Sharpe, most known as Lil Tecca scenic name, is an American rapper, singer and songwriter.
He gained some fame upon releasing his breakout single, "Ransom", which has over 300 million plays on Spotify, and gained number four on the Billboard Hot 100 charts.
He has also previously released songs that have garnered attention such as "Love Me", "Molly Girl", "Did It Again" and "Bossanova", all of them have appeared on his debut mixtape "We Love You Tecca" released on August 30, 2019. The mixtape gets to number 4 on the US Billboard 200.

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