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Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume)
Discography  (total 28 Albums )
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BATTLEFRIENDZ (feat.) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2023 BATTLEFRIENDZ (feat.)
[Featuring Asche ]
17 00:44:00 320 100.97 Mb 2.71€
Golden Era Tourtape (Mixtape) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2017 Golden Era Tourtape (Mixtape) 28 00:58:03 320 134.97 Mb 4.31€
Imperator - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2016 Imperator 18 01:04:30
Imperator (Deluxe Edition) [CD 1] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2016 Imperator (Deluxe Edition) [CD 1] 18 01:04:30 320 148.71 Mb 3.08€
Imperator (Deluxe Edition) [CD 2] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2016 Imperator (Deluxe Edition) [CD 2] 3 00:08:36 320 19.87 Mb 0.49€
Imperator (Deluxe Edition) [CD 3: Instrumental] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2016 Imperator (Deluxe Edition) [CD 3: Instrumental] 18 01:04:27 320 148.65 Mb 3.08€
Hoodtape Vol. 2 (Mixtape) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2016 Hoodtape Vol. 2 (Mixtape) 27 01:05:03 320 151.78 Mb 4.27€
Zuhaltertape Vol. 4 (Premium Edition) [CD 1] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2015 Zuhaltertape Vol. 4 (Premium Edition) [CD 1] 20 01:11:20 320 164.29 Mb 3.42€
Zuhaltertape Vol. 4 (Premium Edition) [CD 2: Instrumental] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2015 Zuhaltertape Vol. 4 (Premium Edition) [CD 2: Instrumental] 20 01:11:20 320 164.29 Mb 3.42€
King - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2014 King 20 01:15:13 320 172.52 Mb 3.46€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 2] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2013 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 2] 7 00:21:04 320 48.89 Mb 1.15€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 3: Instrumentals] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2013 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 3: Instrumentals] 21 01:09:39 320 162.87 Mb 3.54€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 1] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2013 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 1] 15 00:49:35 320 114.83 Mb 2.52€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Premium Edition) (Split) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2013 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Premium Edition) (Split)
[Split with Farid Bang ]
20 01:06:06 320 157.07 Mb 3.39€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 1: Album] (feat.) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2013 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 1: Album] (feat.)
[Featuring Farid Bang ]
15 00:49:35 320 114.83 Mb 2.52€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 2: Deluxe] (feat.) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2013 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 2: Deluxe] (feat.)
[Featuring Farid Bang ]
22 01:10:39 320 163.73 Mb 3.68€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 3: Instrumental] (feat.) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2013 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 2 (Limited Deluxe Edition) [CD 3: Instrumental] (feat.)
[Featuring Farid Bang ]
21 01:09:39 320 162.87 Mb 3.54€
Bossaura - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2011 Bossaura 21 01:19:25 320 183.99 Mb 3.65€
Bossaura (Limited Edition) [CD 1] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2011 Bossaura (Limited Edition) [CD 1] 18 01:09:43 320 161.54 Mb 3.15€
Bossaura (Limited Edition) [CD 2] - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2011 Bossaura (Limited Edition) [CD 2] 3 00:09:42 320 22.49 Mb 0.5€
Hoodtape, Volume 1: X-Mas Edition - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2010 Hoodtape, Volume 1: X-Mas Edition 31 01:11:01 320 163.17 Mb 4.85€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2009 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend 15 00:55:07 VBR-207 72.25 Mb 2.31€
Zuhaltertape Vol. 3 - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2009 Zuhaltertape Vol. 3 18 00:53:52 320 123.86 Mb 2.96€
Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend (Split) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2009 Jung, Brutal, Gutaussehend (Split)
[Split with Farid Bang ]
15 00:55:07 VBR-207 72.55 Mb 2.31€
Kollegah - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2008 Kollegah 17 00:58:54 VBR-207 79.09 Mb 2.61€
Alphagene - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2007 Alphagene 20 01:11:58 VBR-222 101.51 Mb 3.11€
Boss Der Bosse - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2006 Boss Der Bosse 17 00:56:19 320 129.23 Mb 2.86€
Zuhaeltertape (X-Mas Edition) - Kollegah (Felix Martin Andreas Matthias Blume) 2005 Zuhaeltertape (X-Mas Edition) 19 00:48:10 VBR-197 61.46 Mb 2.78€
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