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Discography  (total 16 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Ko-Ou-Doku-Mai - Kemuri 2018 Ko-Ou-Doku-Mai 10 00:26:03 320 61.56 Mb 1.61€
Freedomosh - Kemuri 2017 Freedomosh 11 00:33:12 320 76.27 Mb 1.81€
Ska Bravo - Kemuri 2015 Ska Bravo 14 00:41:27 320 95.13 Mb 2.3€
F - Kemuri 2015 F 13 00:40:45 VBR-320 93.55 Mb 2.16€
Kemurified - Kemuri 2014 Kemurified 13 00:40:10 320 92.23 Mb 2.15€
Rampant - Kemuri 2014 Rampant 10 00:31:26 320 72.66 Mb 1.66€
All For This! - Kemuri 2013 All For This! 13 00:39:30 128 42.37 Mb 1.9€
Blastin'! - Kemuri 2007 Blastin'! 15 00:44:41 320 102.55 Mb 2.46€
Our Pma - Kemuri 2007 Our Pma 15 00:45:14 320 108.35 Mb 2.49€
Waiting For The Rain - Kemuri 2005 Waiting For The Rain 6 00:20:20 192 27.99 Mb 0.92€
77 Days - Kemuri 2005 77 Days 14 00:38:54 192 52.41 Mb 2.08€
Principle - Kemuri 2005 Principle 12 00:39:45
Circles - Kemuri 2004 Circles 16 00:50:49
Emotivation - Kemuri 2002 Emotivation 13 00:37:10 128 34.15 Mb 1.86€
Sanka - Sanrui - Kemuri 2000 Sanka - Sanrui 16 00:50:00 192 67.29 Mb 2.42€
Little Playmate - Kemuri 1997 Little Playmate 14 00:42:12 192 58.14 Mb 2.11€
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