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Johnny Thunders

Johnny Thunders
Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers)
Blues  /  Rock
Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Finally Alone (The Sticks & Stones Tapes) (Limited Edition) - Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers) 2023 Finally Alone (The Sticks & Stones Tapes) (Limited Edition) 17 00:50:58 320 117.07 Mb 2.8€
I Think I Got This Covered - Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers) 2016 I Think I Got This Covered 17 00:59:11 320 135.83 Mb 2.89€
Copy Cats - Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers) 1988 Copy Cats 12 00:39:15 320 90.08 Mb 2.01€
Que Sera, Sera - Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers) 1985 Que Sera, Sera 13 00:44:08 320 101.26 Mb 2.2€
Hurt Me - Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers) 1984 Hurt Me 24 00:53:52
L.A.M.F. Revisited - Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers) 1984 L.A.M.F. Revisited 14 00:40:01 320 91.92 Mb 2.28€
Diary Of A Lover - Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers) 1982 Diary Of A Lover 6 00:18:59 320 43.58 Mb 1€
So Alone - Johnny Thunders (Johnny Thunders And The Heartbreakers) 1978 So Alone 14 00:46:35
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