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John Paul Jones

John Paul Jones
John Paul Jones
Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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No Introduction Necessary(Deluxe Edition) - John Paul Jones 2004 No Introduction Necessary(Deluxe Edition) 20 01:01:17 320 140.76 Mb 3.3€
No Introduction Necessary (Deluxe Edition) - John Paul Jones 2002 No Introduction Necessary (Deluxe Edition)
[Tribute by Jimmy Page ]
20 01:00:32
Thunderthief - John Paul Jones 2001 Thunderthief 9 00:46:13 192 63.59 Mb 1.49€
No Introduction Necessary - John Paul Jones 2000 No Introduction Necessary
[Tribute by Jimmy Page ]
14 00:44:04
Rock And Roll Highway [Japan Edition 2007] (split) - John Paul Jones 2000 Rock And Roll Highway [Japan Edition 2007] (split)
[Split with Jimmy Page ]
12 00:34:11
Zooma - John Paul Jones 1999 Zooma 9 00:47:33 320 109.26 Mb 1.72€
The Masters  (with John Paul Jones) (split) - John Paul Jones 1998 The Masters (with John Paul Jones) (split)
[Split with Jimmy Page ]
14 00:44:10
The Sporting Life (split) - John Paul Jones 1994 The Sporting Life (split)
[Split with Diamanda Galas ]
10 00:55:01
Scream For Help (LP) - John Paul Jones 1985 Scream For Help (LP)
[Tribute by Soundtrack - Movies ]
9 00:39:24
Rock And Roll Highway (Japan Edition, 2008) - John Paul Jones 1970 Rock And Roll Highway (Japan Edition, 2008) 12 00:34:11
Rock And Roll Highway - John Paul Jones 1970 Rock And Roll Highway 12 00:34:12 320 78.48 Mb 1.95€
No Introduction Necessary - John Paul Jones 1968 No Introduction Necessary 14 00:44:08 320 94.51 Mb 2.29€
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