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John Lawton Band

John Lawton Band
John Lawton Band (Lawton, John / On The Rocks / A. Gilbert)
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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The Power Of Mind (feat.) - John Lawton Band (Lawton, John / On The Rocks / A. Gilbert) 2012 The Power Of Mind (feat.)
[Featuring Diana Express ]
14 00:55:36 320 127.61 Mb 2.46€
Shakin' The Tale (At The Magician's Birthday Party) - John Lawton Band (Lawton, John / On The Rocks / A. Gilbert) 2004 Shakin' The Tale (At The Magician's Birthday Party) 12 01:08:18 320 156.56 Mb 2.34€
Sting In The Tale - John Lawton Band (Lawton, John / On The Rocks / A. Gilbert) 2003 Sting In The Tale 12 00:54:42 320 125.47 Mb 2.19€
The Return (Split) - John Lawton Band (Lawton, John / On The Rocks / A. Gilbert) 2001 The Return (Split)
[Split with Ken Hensley ]
15 01:19:47 320 182.92 Mb 2.86€
Still Payin' My Dues... - John Lawton Band (Lawton, John / On The Rocks / A. Gilbert) 2000 Still Payin' My Dues... 12 00:46:41 320 107.12 Mb 2.1€
Sumogrip (feat.) - John Lawton Band (Lawton, John / On The Rocks / A. Gilbert) 1994 Sumogrip (feat.)
[Featuring Lucifer's Friend ]
17 01:01:21 320 140.75 Mb 2.91€
Heartbeat - John Lawton Band (Lawton, John / On The Rocks / A. Gilbert) 1980 Heartbeat 14 00:57:52
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