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Jim Murple Memorial

Jim Murple Memorial
Jim Murple Memorial
Pop  /  Rock  /  Jazz  /  Reggae
Swing  /  New Jack Swing  /  Ska  /  Rockabilly
Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Take Your Flight Jim! - Jim Murple Memorial 2013 Take Your Flight Jim! 16 00:47:24 320 108.75 Mb 2.62€
A la recherche d'un son perdu - Jim Murple Memorial 2010 A la recherche d'un son perdu 15 00:50:28
Put Things Right! - Jim Murple Memorial 2007 Put Things Right! 14 00:46:47
Five'n'yellow - Jim Murple Memorial 2005 Five'n'yellow 13 00:42:05
Let's Spend Some Love - Jim Murple Memorial 2003 Let's Spend Some Love 19 00:59:44
Play The Roots - Jim Murple Memorial 2001 Play The Roots 14 00:43:32 320 99.98 Mb 2.32€
The Story Of Jim Murple - Jim Murple Memorial 1999 The Story Of Jim Murple 15 00:44:35 320 102.4 Mb 2.46€
Rhythm & Blues Jamaicain - Jim Murple Memorial 1997 Rhythm & Blues Jamaicain 14 00:44:35 320 102.27 Mb 2.33€
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