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Jill Sobule

Jill Sobule
Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill)
Discography  (total 14 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Dottie's Charms (Deluxe Edition) - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2019 Dottie's Charms (Deluxe Edition) 12 00:39:19 320 90.26 Mb 2.01€
Underdog Victorious (Deluxe Edition) - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2019 Underdog Victorious (Deluxe Edition) 15 00:46:02 VBR-320 105.73 Mb 2.48€
Nostalgia Kills - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2018 Nostalgia Kills 15 00:48:22 320 114.03 Mb 2.52€
Dottie's Charms - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2014 Dottie's Charms 11 00:36:35 320 86.14 Mb 1.86€
A Day At The Pass - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2011 A Day At The Pass 11 00:37:03 320 86.9 Mb 1.86€
California Years - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2008 California Years 14 00:49:52 320 116.54 Mb 2.4€
The Folk Years - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2004 The Folk Years 13 00:39:52 320 93.94 Mb 2.16€
Underdog Victorious - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2004 Underdog Victorious 14 00:41:58 320 99 Mb 2.31€
Acoustic Cafe - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2001 Acoustic Cafe 31 01:07:51 320 161.43 Mb 4.84€
I Never Learned To Swim - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2001 I Never Learned To Swim 15 00:53:11 320 125.65 Mb 2.58€
Pink Pearl - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 2000 Pink Pearl 12 00:41:28
Happy Town - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 1997 Happy Town 14 00:45:55 320 108.05 Mb 2.36€
Jill Sobule - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 1995 Jill Sobule 13 00:47:19
Things Here Are Different - Jill Sobule (Sobule, Jill) 1990 Things Here Are Different 11 00:40:11
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