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Jeru The Damaja

Jeru The Damaja
Jeru The Damaja (Kendrick Jeru Davis)
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Prophetic Rhymes (CD 1) (feat.) - Jeru The Damaja (Kendrick Jeru Davis) 2011 Prophetic Rhymes (CD 1) (feat.)
[Featuring J-Love ]
12 00:41:09 320 94.4 Mb 2.03€
Prophetic Rhymes (CD 2) (feat.) - Jeru The Damaja (Kendrick Jeru Davis) 2011 Prophetic Rhymes (CD 2) (feat.)
[Featuring J-Love ]
15 00:38:37 320 88.7 Mb 2.39€
Still Rising - Jeru The Damaja (Kendrick Jeru Davis) 2007 Still Rising 16 00:55:56 320 128.32 Mb 2.72€
Divine Design - Jeru The Damaja (Kendrick Jeru Davis) 2003 Divine Design 16 00:45:16 320 103.96 Mb 2.6€
Heroz4hire - Jeru The Damaja (Kendrick Jeru Davis) 1999 Heroz4hire 14 00:45:32 320 104.57 Mb 2.34€
Wrath Of The Math - Jeru The Damaja (Kendrick Jeru Davis) 1996 Wrath Of The Math 15 00:51:40 320 118.6 Mb 2.54€
The Sun Rises In The East - Jeru The Damaja (Kendrick Jeru Davis) 1994 The Sun Rises In The East 13 00:39:33 320 90.74 Mb 2.14€
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