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Hysteric (George Hysteric)
Discography  (total 17 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
In The Moonlight - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2018 In The Moonlight 4 00:21:40 320 49.91 Mb 0.77€
Orient Express - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2018 Orient Express 1 01:19:06 VBR-162 92.35 Mb 0.59€
Best003 - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2018 Best003 4 00:22:29 320 51.76 Mb 0.78€
Temple / Tranquil - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2018 Temple / Tranquil 2 00:08:47 VBR-197 11.82 Mb 0.32€
91-96 Edits (EP) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2017 91-96 Edits (EP) 4 00:23:07 VBR-275 42.81 Mb 0.73€
Bah041 (EP) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2017 Bah041 (EP) 4 00:17:53 320 41.07 Mb 0.73€
Pepper Dj (EP) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2017 Pepper Dj (EP) 4 00:26:59 VBR-244 40.37 Mb 0.72€
Mischio Dischi Disco Mix (Remix Single) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2016 Mischio Dischi Disco Mix (Remix Single) 1 00:54:37 VBR-256 100.48 Mb 0.63€
Amour - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2016 Amour 5 00:25:55 VBR-320 59.4 Mb 0.95€
Mappamondo EP - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2016 Mappamondo EP 4 00:19:05 320 43.7 Mb 0.74€
Summer In Cairo (EP) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2016 Summer In Cairo (EP) 4 00:23:15 320 53.58 Mb 0.79€
Oasis Room - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2015 Oasis Room 3 00:16:42 VBR-259 32.37 Mb 0.55€
Deathmetaldiscoclub #044 (Remix Single) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2014 Deathmetaldiscoclub #044 (Remix Single) 1 01:11:31 VBR-229 117.19 Mb 0.72€
Lyo#009 (Remix Single) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2013 Lyo#009 (Remix Single) 1 00:58:15 VBR-239 99.68 Mb 0.63€
Italo Estate (Remix Single) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2012 Italo Estate (Remix Single) 1 01:23:24 320 191.76 Mb 1.09€
Italo City (Remix Single) - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2011 Italo City (Remix Single) 1 01:10:40 320 161.78 Mb 0.94€
Life Is Cheap - Hysteric (George Hysteric) 2011 Life Is Cheap 4 00:25:42 VBR-320 59.29 Mb 0.82€
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