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Howe Gelb

Howe Gelb
Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe)
Discography  (total 15 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
Gathered - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2019 Gathered 15 00:49:28 320 114.9 Mb 2.52€
Future Standards - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2016 Future Standards 12 00:37:03 320 84.96 Mb 1.98€
The Coincidentalist - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2013 The Coincidentalist 11 00:36:00 320 82.58 Mb 1.84€
Snarl Some Piano - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2011 Snarl Some Piano 11 00:47:02 320 107.85 Mb 1.97€
Spun Some Piano - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2008 Spun Some Piano 21 00:58:06 VBR-239 89.39 Mb 3.18€
Upside Down Home 2007 - Return To San Pedro - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2007 Upside Down Home 2007 - Return To San Pedro 12 00:46:53 320 107.5 Mb 2.1€
Sno Angel Like You - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2006 Sno Angel Like You 14 00:44:58 320 103.22 Mb 2.34€
Arizona Amp and Alternator - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2005 Arizona Amp and Alternator 18 00:59:03 224 84.09 Mb 2.76€
The Listener - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2003 The Listener 13 00:52:38 320 120.7 Mb 2.29€
Upside Down Home 2002 - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2002 Upside Down Home 2002 13 00:49:56 VBR-198 58.46 Mb 1.98€
Confluence - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2001 Confluence 17 00:55:39 320 127.71 Mb 2.85€
Lull Some Piano - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2001 Lull Some Piano 19 00:42:15 320 97.17 Mb 2.96€
Upside Down Home 2000 - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 2000 Upside Down Home 2000 17 00:43:56 320 100.91 Mb 2.71€
Hisser - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 1998 Hisser 19 00:51:55
Dreaded Brown Recluse - Howe Gelb (Gelb, Howe) 1991 Dreaded Brown Recluse 15 00:52:22 320 120.2 Mb 2.55€
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