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Holy Dragons

Holy Dragons
Holy Dragons
Discography  (total 19 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Jörmungandr: The Serpent of the World - Holy Dragons 2022 Jörmungandr: The Serpent of the World 12 00:59:56 320 138.37 Mb 2.25€
Unholy and Saints - Holy Dragons 2019 Unholy and Saints 14 00:54:51 320 125.79 Mb 2.45€
Civilizator - Holy Dragons 2015 Civilizator 12 01:04:00 320 146.76 Mb 2.29€
Dragon Inferno - Holy Dragons 2014 Dragon Inferno 11 00:46:18 320 106.18 Mb 1.96€
ZERSTÖRER - Holy Dragons 2012 ZERSTÖRER 11 01:08:55 320 158.62 Mb 2.22€
The Heepnotizer (side Project) - Holy Dragons 2011 The Heepnotizer (side Project) 10 00:39:13 320 90.38 Mb 1.75€
ZERSTÖRER - The Chapters of the III World War History Ghost. Part One - Holy Dragons 2010 ZERSTÖRER - The Chapters of the III World War History Ghost. Part One 10 01:04:32 320 147.84 Mb 2.04€
Runaway 12 - Holy Dragons 2010 Runaway 12 8 00:38:21 320 87.9 Mb 1.48€
Лабиринт Иллюзий (Labyrinth Of Illusions) - Holy Dragons 2007 Лабиринт Иллюзий (Labyrinth Of Illusions) 12 01:00:45 320 139.27 Mb 2.26€
Восход Чёрной Луны (Black Moon Rising) - Holy Dragons 2006 Восход Чёрной Луны (Black Moon Rising) 11 01:02:25 320 143.92 Mb 2.15€
Волки Одина (Wolves of Odin) - Holy Dragons 2005 Волки Одина (Wolves of Odin) 10 00:45:54 320 105.84 Mb 1.83€
Обитель Ветров (Reissue of 1999) - Holy Dragons 2004 Обитель Ветров (Reissue of 1999) 7 00:38:05 320 87.74 Mb 1.35€
Полуночный Гром (Reissue of 2000) - Holy Dragons 2004 Полуночный Гром (Reissue of 2000) 9 00:38:30 320 88.58 Mb 1.61€
Сумерки Богов (Gotterdammerung) - Holy Dragons 2003 Сумерки Богов (Gotterdammerung) 9 00:53:57 320 123.65 Mb 1.79€
Судный День (Judgement Day) - Holy Dragons 2002 Судный День (Judgement Day) 14 01:09:19 320 158.94 Mb 2.61€
Rage Of The Dragon Lords - Holy Dragons 2000 Rage Of The Dragon Lords 18 01:17:38 320 178.94 Mb 3.23€
Dragon Ballads - Holy Dragons 1999 Dragon Ballads 8 00:39:30 320 91.07 Mb 1.5€
Dragon Steel - Holy Dragons 1998 Dragon Steel 14 01:06:34 320 153.2 Mb 2.59€
Knights of Kamelot (Demo) - Holy Dragons 1998 Knights of Kamelot (Demo) 11 00:55:41 320 127.96 Mb 2.07€
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