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Hades Archer

Hades Archer
Hades Archer
Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Temple of the Impure - Hades Archer 2017 Temple of the Impure 12 00:33:33 320 78.51 Mb 1.95€
Unus Cantus Bestiae / Melody of the Unknown Insanity (Split) - Hades Archer 2015 Unus Cantus Bestiae / Melody of the Unknown Insanity (Split)
[Split with Sabbat ]
18 01:10:13 320 161.08 Mb 3.15€
Circus Of Abominations / Antichristos Thanatos (Split) - Hades Archer 2014 Circus Of Abominations / Antichristos Thanatos (Split)
[Split with Slaughtbbath ]
7 00:24:46 320 56.81 Mb 1.19€
The Curse Over Mankind - Hades Archer 2012 The Curse Over Mankind 7 00:25:44 320 59 Mb 1.21€
For The Diabolical Ages - Hades Archer 2011 For The Diabolical Ages 12 00:42:52 320 98.39 Mb 2.05€
Gloria Rex Infernvs (Demo) - Hades Archer 2010 Gloria Rex Infernvs (Demo) 4 00:11:59 320 27.52 Mb 0.66€
Daughter of Perversion [Rehearsal 666] [Demo] - Hades Archer 2006 Daughter of Perversion [Rehearsal 666] [Demo] 5 00:17:54 256 33.03 Mb 0.82€
We're A Black Image Into The Fire... - Hades Archer 2006 We're A Black Image Into The Fire... 5 00:20:05 256 36.89 Mb 0.83€
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