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Graves, Milford

Graves, Milford
Graves, Milford (Milford Graves)
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Milford Graves & John Zorn - 50 * 50 (split) - Graves, Milford (Milford Graves) 2004 Milford Graves & John Zorn - 50 * 50 (split)
[Split with John Zorn ]
7 00:54:13 320 124.2 Mb 1.53€
Stories - Graves, Milford (Milford Graves) 2000 Stories 6 01:01:45 320 141.48 Mb 1.49€
Grand Unification - Graves, Milford (Milford Graves) 1997 Grand Unification 8 01:04:04 320 146.81 Mb 1.77€
David Murray & Milford Graves - Real Deal (split) - Graves, Milford (Milford Graves) 1992 David Murray & Milford Graves - Real Deal (split)
[Split with Murray, David ]
8 01:03:50 320 146.29 Mb 1.77€
Meditation Among Us (LP) - Graves, Milford (Milford Graves) 1977 Meditation Among Us (LP) 2 00:36:06 320 82.63 Mb 0.67€
Milford Graves Featuring Don Pullen - Nommo (LP) (split) - Graves, Milford (Milford Graves) 1967 Milford Graves Featuring Don Pullen - Nommo (LP) (split)
[Split with Pullen, Don ]
3 00:31:43 320 72.72 Mb 0.75€
Milford Graves, Gary Peacock, Lowell Davidson - Lowell Davidson Trio (LP) - Graves, Milford (Milford Graves) 1965 Milford Graves, Gary Peacock, Lowell Davidson - Lowell Davidson Trio (LP)
[Tribute by Gary Peacock Trio ]
5 00:44:23 320 101.72 Mb 1.16€
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