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Girl In Red

Girl In Red
Girl In Red (Marie Ulven Ringheim)
Discography  (total 1 Albums )
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If I Could Make It Go Quiet - Girl In Red (Marie Ulven Ringheim) 2021 If I Could Make It Go Quiet 11 00:33:11 320 76.2 Mb 1.81€
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Marie Ulven Ringheim, known as girl in red - Norwegian indie pop singer.
Her single "I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend" was listened to more than 130 million times on Spotify and ranked 9th in the "The 68 Best Songs of 2018" list.
Since 2018, Marie Ringheim has released two mini albums and collected more than 9 million monthly listening on Spotify.
Her debute long-play album If I Could Make It Go Quiet successfully continues her path to the top of the musical Olympus.

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