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Gato Barbieri

Gato Barbieri
Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri)
Discography  (total 16 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Last Tango In Paris (CD 1) - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 2015 Last Tango In Paris (CD 1)
[Perfomed by Soundtrack - Movies ]
49 00:56:49 320 131.06 Mb 7.03€
Last Tango In Paris (CD 2) - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 2015 Last Tango In Paris (CD 2)
[Perfomed by Soundtrack - Movies ]
11 00:34:37 320 79.42 Mb 1.83€
Che Corazon - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1999 Che Corazon 13 00:56:59
Que Pasa - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1997 Que Pasa 11 00:59:39
The Third World Revisited - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1990 The Third World Revisited 6 00:59:12
Ruby, Ruby - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1977 Ruby, Ruby 8 00:43:45
Caliente! - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1976 Caliente! 9 00:39:28
El Gato - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1975 El Gato 5 00:43:23
Chapter Three: Viva Emiliano Zapata - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1974 Chapter Three: Viva Emiliano Zapata 6 00:35:14
Bolivia (feat. Lonnie Liston Smith) - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1973 Bolivia (feat. Lonnie Liston Smith) 5 00:36:02
Chapter One: Latin America - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1973 Chapter One: Latin America 5 00:42:51
Under Fire - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1973 Under Fire 5 00:35:42
Last Tango In Paris - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1972 Last Tango In Paris
[Tribute by Soundtrack - Movies ]
40 01:02:14 320 143.92 Mb 5.92€
El Pampero - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1971 El Pampero 5 00:54:57
Fenix - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1971 Fenix 6 00:39:09
Hamba Khale (Split) - Gato Barbieri (Leandro Barbieri) 1968 Hamba Khale (Split)
[Split with Dollar Brand ]
4 00:32:07
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