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Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex))
Rock  /  Pop
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Life In The Wires (CD1) - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2024 Life In The Wires (CD1) 8 00:42:23 320 98.23 Mb 1.53€
Life In The Wires (CD2) - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2024 Life In The Wires (CD2) 6 00:43:18 320 99.92 Mb 1.28€
Day And Age (Deluxe Edition) (CD 1) - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2021 Day And Age (Deluxe Edition) (CD 1) 8 00:53:14 320 121.95 Mb 1.65€
Day And Age (Deluxe Edition) (CD 2: Instrumentals) - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2021 Day And Age (Deluxe Edition) (CD 2: Instrumentals) 9 00:57:52 320 132.61 Mb 1.83€
Falling Satellites - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2016 Falling Satellites 11 00:55:49 256 102.4 Mb 1.94€
Falling Satellites (Deluxe Edition) - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2016 Falling Satellites (Deluxe Edition) 13 01:06:00 320 151.76 Mb 2.45€
The Philadelphia Experiment (CD 1) - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2010 The Philadelphia Experiment (CD 1) 12 01:08:53 320 158.75 Mb 2.35€
The Philadelphia Experiment (CD 2) - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2010 The Philadelphia Experiment (CD 2) 3 00:51:27 320 118.01 Mb 0.98€
Experiments In Mass Appeal - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2008 Experiments In Mass Appeal 9 00:56:44 320 130.14 Mb 1.82€
Milliontown - Frost* (Frost (GBR, East Sussex)) 2006 Milliontown 6 00:59:05 320 135.33 Mb 1.46€
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