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Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Lueur - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2017 Lueur 2 00:41:28 320 94.95 Mb 0.73€
Rutsu No Hoyo - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2014 Rutsu No Hoyo 7 01:00:59 VBR-274 113.47 Mb 1.48€
Sphere From The Woods - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2013 Sphere From The Woods 6 00:53:44 VBR-240 89.65 Mb 1.23€
Symbiosis - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2012 Symbiosis 6 00:51:07 320 117.12 Mb 1.37€
Organic.Aural.Ornaments (feat. Shinkiro) - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2011 Organic.Aural.Ornaments (feat. Shinkiro)
[Featuring Kotodama ]
6 00:54:28 320 124.76 Mb 1.4€
Mortusae (CD 1) - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2009 Mortusae (CD 1) 14 01:11:52 VBR-212 98.85 Mb 2.31€
Mortusae (CD 2) - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2009 Mortusae (CD 2) 9 01:10:24 VBR-218 98.24 Mb 1.66€
The Hatred Of Trees - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2008 The Hatred Of Trees 5 00:51:47 VBR-210 74.51 Mb 1.02€
Error 404: Metaphorical Loss - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2005 Error 404: Metaphorical Loss 9 01:12:43 VBR-247 113.82 Mb 1.74€
Ritual Decay - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2003 Ritual Decay 13 01:16:19 192 104.98 Mb 2.21€
Funestus - Empusae (Nicolas Van Meirhaeghe) 2002 Funestus 14 01:04:27 192 88.66 Mb 2.26€
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