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Emika (Ema Jolly)
Discography  (total 15 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Melancholia Euphoria - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2014 Melancholia Euphoria 2 00:10:17
Klarvirni (EP) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2013 Klarvirni (EP) 3 00:08:23
Centuries - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2013 Centuries 3 00:13:16
Searching - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2013 Searching 3 00:11:15
3 Hours (EP) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2012 3 Hours (EP) 5 00:24:47
Chemical Fever (Vinyl EP) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2012 Chemical Fever (Vinyl EP) 5 00:28:11
Count Backwards - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2011 Count Backwards 4 00:18:16
Pretend / Professional Loving - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2011 Pretend / Professional Loving 5 00:26:03
Surge (EP) (feat.) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2011 Surge (EP) (feat.)
[Featuring Amon Tobin ]
4 00:13:12
Can't Sleep / Make You Sleep (feat.) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2011 Can't Sleep / Make You Sleep (feat.)
[Featuring Kryptic Minds ]
2 00:10:14
I Mean (Akufen, Dollkraut, Finchhatten Remixes) [EP] (feat.) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2011 I Mean (Akufen, Dollkraut, Finchhatten Remixes) [EP] (feat.)
[Featuring Frick, Paul ]
5 00:33:18
Double Edge (Incl. Pinch Remix) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2010 Double Edge (Incl. Pinch Remix) 3 00:12:24
Drop The Other - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2010 Drop The Other 4 00:19:29
Price Tag (EP) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2009 Price Tag (EP) 4 00:28:33
Price Tag (Split) - Emika (Ema Jolly) 2009 Price Tag (Split)
[Split with MyMy ]
4 00:28:33
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