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Edgar Broughton Band

Edgar Broughton Band
Edgar Broughton Band (EBB)
Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Super Chip: The Final Silicon Solution - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1982 Super Chip: The Final Silicon Solution 15 00:56:01 VBR-212 81.66 Mb 2.36€
Parlez-Vous English (Remaster 2006) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1979 Parlez-Vous English (Remaster 2006) 12 00:37:12 320 85.39 Mb 1.99€
Bandages (Remaster 2006) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1975 Bandages (Remaster 2006) 11 00:47:30 320 109.03 Mb 1.98€
Oora (Remaster 1992) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1973 Oora (Remaster 1992) 8 00:38:44 320 88.88 Mb 1.48€
Oora (Remaster 2004) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1973 Oora (Remaster 2004) 9 00:41:53
In Side Out (Remaster 1994) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1972 In Side Out (Remaster 1994) 16 00:58:03 320 133.35 Mb 2.75€
In Side Out (Remaster 2004) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1972 In Side Out (Remaster 2004) 15 00:59:59
Edgar Broughton Band - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1971 Edgar Broughton Band 13 00:52:43 320 120.91 Mb 2.29€
Sing Brother Sing (Remaster 1992) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1970 Sing Brother Sing (Remaster 1992) 10 00:39:58 320 91.73 Mb 1.76€
Sing Brother Sing (Remaster 2004) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1970 Sing Brother Sing (Remaster 2004) 18 01:16:59
Wasa Wasa (Remaster 1992) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1969 Wasa Wasa (Remaster 1992) 8 00:45:13 320 103.76 Mb 1.56€
Wasa Wasa (Remaster 2004) - Edgar Broughton Band (EBB) 1969 Wasa Wasa (Remaster 2004) 13 01:08:32
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