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Dwight Twilley

Dwight Twilley
Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band)
Discography  (total 15 Compilations, Remixes )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Live Albums | Compilations, Remixes | Bootlegs
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Compilations, Remixes
The London & Los Angeles Unreleased Sessions - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2016 The London & Los Angeles Unreleased Sessions 14 00:45:08 320 103.59 Mb 2.34€
Phil Seymour (LP) - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2011 Phil Seymour (LP) 7 00:24:10 320 55.43 Mb 1.19€
On Fire! The Best Of 1975-84 - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2010 On Fire! The Best Of 1975-84 24 01:17:21 320 177.59 Mb 4.01€
Rarities, Volume 1 - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2008 Rarities, Volume 1 15 00:45:06 320 103.52 Mb 2.47€
Rarities, Volume 2 - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2008 Rarities, Volume 2 15 00:48:20 320 110.9 Mb 2.5€
Rarities, Volume 3 - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2008 Rarities, Volume 3 16 00:52:03 320 119.44 Mb 2.68€
Rarities, Volume 4 - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2008 Rarities, Volume 4 16 00:50:34 320 116.09 Mb 2.66€
The Great Lost Seymour Album - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2008 The Great Lost Seymour Album 14 00:58:56 320 135.19 Mb 2.5€
Sincerely, Twilley Dont Mind - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2007 Sincerely, Twilley Dont Mind 25 01:15:57 320 175.92 Mb 4.13€
Northridge To Tulsa - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2007 Northridge To Tulsa 16 01:09:12 320 158.73 Mb 2.87€
Sincerely, 1976 + Twilley Dont Mind, 1977 - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2007 Sincerely, 1976 + Twilley Dont Mind, 1977 25 01:15:57 320 175.92 Mb 4.13€
Twilley, Scuba Divers - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 2006 Twilley, Scuba Divers 22 01:14:53 256 137.62 Mb 3.55€
Between The Cracks - Volume One - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 1999 Between The Cracks - Volume One 16 00:52:50 320 121.22 Mb 2.69€
XXI - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 1996 XXI 21 01:15:33 320 173.48 Mb 3.6€
The Teac Tapes, 1973-74 (LP) - Dwight Twilley (Twilley, Dwight A. / Dwight Twilley Band) 1974 The Teac Tapes, 1973-74 (LP) 20 00:50:40
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