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DJ Samurai

DJ Samurai
DJ Samurai (Dan Havers)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Ruthless (Remix - Single) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2009 Ruthless (Remix - Single) 1 00:05:47 320 13.3 Mb 0.2€
Gospel Truth / Underworld (WEB Single) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2008 Gospel Truth / Underworld (WEB Single) 2 00:10:48 320 24.92 Mb 0.38€
Outsider / Stairway (WEB Single) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2008 Outsider / Stairway (WEB Single) 2 00:10:13 320 23.51 Mb 0.38€
Aneurysm / The Void (Vinyl Single) (feat. feat. Dash vs. Agent Alvin) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2007 Aneurysm / The Void (Vinyl Single) (feat. feat. Dash vs. Agent Alvin) 2 00:11:41 VBR-199 16.71 Mb 0.34€
I Wanna Tell You (Mace Remix) / Dayz (VIP) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2007 I Wanna Tell You (Mace Remix) / Dayz (VIP) 2 00:13:11 320 30.35 Mb 0.41€
Sucker Punch / Freak Show (feat. DJ Samurai & Dash) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2007 Sucker Punch / Freak Show (feat. DJ Samurai & Dash)
[Featuring Aquasky ]
2 00:09:56 320 22.8 Mb 0.37€
I Wanna Tell You (Mace Remix) / Dayz VIP (WEB Single) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2006 I Wanna Tell You (Mace Remix) / Dayz VIP (WEB Single) 2 00:13:29 VBR-203 19.19 Mb 0.36€
Sound With Fire / Artemis (Vinyl Single) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2006 Sound With Fire / Artemis (Vinyl Single) 2 00:11:29 VBR-225 18.32 Mb 0.35€
Bizness / I Wanna Tell U (Vinyl Single) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2005 Bizness / I Wanna Tell U (Vinyl Single) 2 00:13:07 VBR-222 20.33 Mb 0.36€
The Future / Be Mine (Vinyl Single) - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2005 The Future / Be Mine (Vinyl Single) 2 00:12:41 VBR-251 22.56 Mb 0.37€
Dayz - DJ Samurai (Dan Havers) 2004 Dayz 1 00:06:46 192 9.38 Mb 0.18€
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