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Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta)
Discography  (total 13 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Think Like A Pimp, Act Like A Gangsta - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2013 Think Like A Pimp, Act Like A Gangsta 17 01:09:58 320 161.52 Mb 3.02€
Married To The Game - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2009 Married To The Game 14 00:57:31 320 132.51 Mb 2.48€
Tha First Supper - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2007 Tha First Supper 19 01:12:41 320 167.7 Mb 3.31€
Tha First Supper (Reissue 2013) - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2007 Tha First Supper (Reissue 2013) 18 01:08:34 320 158.01 Mb 3.13€
The Art Of Storytelling - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2007 The Art Of Storytelling 21 01:17:07 320 177.86 Mb 3.62€
Philthy Rich & Dirty - The Skumbagz (feat.) - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2006 Philthy Rich & Dirty - The Skumbagz (feat.)
[Featuring Philthy Rich ]
28 01:14:17 320 170.52 Mb 4.49€
Hood Stories - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2005 Hood Stories 16 01:04:54 320 149.71 Mb 2.83€
Hood Stories (chopped & screwed) - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2005 Hood Stories (chopped & screwed) 16 01:13:05 320 168.37 Mb 2.92€
Keep It Pimp & Gangsta - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2003 Keep It Pimp & Gangsta 17 01:16:49
Love Us Or Hate Us - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2003 Love Us Or Hate Us 15 01:12:37 320 167.3 Mb 2.79€
Love Us Or Hate Us (chopped & screwed) - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2003 Love Us Or Hate Us (chopped & screwed) 15 01:17:27 320 178.09 Mb 2.84€
The Pimp & Da Gangsta - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 2001 The Pimp & Da Gangsta 15 01:07:14
Country Versatile - Dirty (Big Pimp, Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta) 1999 Country Versatile 14 01:05:14 320 150.12 Mb 2.57€
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